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Super Moon ritual

Today November 14th, 2016 marks the largest Super Moon in 69 years. This moon also happens to be in Taurus which is my star sign so it seems auspicious to me.  While I'm not super in tune with all things spirituality related, I'm interested.  Interested enough to consider how it would be best to use this Super Moons power. I've got a lot going on right now and could use a reset.

So, as is the normal approach to such matters, I Googled my way into some understanding of what I'm now going to do this evening. I'm sharing here in case you too live in the Northern hemisphere and want to take the opportunity to celebrate (or ritualize) the occasion too. If not, never fear, there's a full moon every single month and each time you have the opportunity I'm taking today.  To be fair, a reset is valuable any time.

When it comes to a full moon specifically, rituals and energy are directed toward letting go. Accepting the past and releasing what no longer serves you.  Releasing behavior, people attitudes, situations and thoughts. New Moons on the other hand are more focussed on setting intentions. So today we let go. In two weeks time, to complete the cycle we set our sights on the future.

After dark tonight, I'm going to take myself down to the water and sit somewhere on the grass so I'm connected to the earth. Then I'm going to do the following;

  • Reflect on the past year, what I've learned about myself and how I want to live my life, try and dig deep and really gain clarity
  • Isolate what I need to let go of for my own personal growth and happiness - write it down on a piece of paper
  • Forgive myself for bringing whatever it is into my life, hold space for accepting it, feel the emotions that will no doubt rise to the surface in doing so - if relevant forgive others for their part as well
  • Look to the moon and ask for support in releasing, then burn the piece of paper (safely - bring some water)
  • Sit in silence and meditate on an invitation of transformation

Whether you believe in the impact of the moons cycles or not, taking time out to reflect, let go and invite transformation is a powerful practice.  On this day in particular, it's a practice I'm going to participate in. And I invite you to join me.