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Do you invest more energy behind the good or bad in your life?

I chose this picture for today's post because the topic is an area I HOPE to improve in. I'm (fairly) normal so, I'm going to guess you may well be the same. 

Last week was a pretty tough one for me. First there was the utter shock of returning to my regular life after the bliss of a full weeks yoga retreat in beautiful Uruguay. Then there was the utterly exhausting work schedule that followed. Essentially, I was on a plane every day between Sunday and Friday except one. On Friday my plane landed into LGA at 11pm. Then my weekend was spent at yoga teacher training, which ran for 6.5 hours per day both Saturday and Sunday. Not surprisingly, I didn't fit much else in. I love YTT, but boy was I tired.

Arriving at work on Monday I was not my happiest version of me. I've said this before, but sleep is a critical ingrediant that when lacking leads to grumpy, grumpy, grumpy. Oh and I was sore too, seems I've been doing the basics of yoga wrong for-like-ever.  But I digress. My week started off on the wrong foot. I was all about woe is me, my life is hard. What good stuff?!

Shortly after arriving at the office, one of my colleagues asked me how my last scan went. This desmoid tumor on my right femur has been the cause of much stress and change in my life since discovery in October 2014. Turns out, when I got the amazing news, that for the 2nd scan running that it is in fact shrinking....I forgot to tell some people. Looking back I was all excited for a good 24 hours at which point I promptly put it behind me and focussed my attention elsewhere.

Would I have had the same reaction after getting bad news?  Not a chance. The dark cloud would still be hovering. What is it about human nature that leads to this sort of self sabotage?! Whilst I don't have the answer, I can say I'm not having it in my own life. I promptly pulled my big girl pants up and put a smile on my face. Since then I've been continually re-reminding myself of just how lucky I am. Life is good. In fact, my life is excellent.

For the record, my Oncologist remains flabbergasted regarding this turn of events. These tumors do not typically retreat. In fact he said he would be bringing my case to the board for discussion. He is planning to present the facts without sharing the treatment and ask them to guess his approach. Which he will then confess has been absolutely nothing. That's right folks, the treatment is zero. Not a single thing. Amazing right?

Let me ask you this. Do you invest as much energy behind the good and bad stuff that happens in your life? If like me you don't this is your captain speaking. Shift your thoughts. Invest them wisely. The returns are way higher if you focus on the good stuff. That's a promise.

Oh and guess what everybody - my desmoid tumor is shrinking! Woohoo!  What's your good news? I'd love to hear it. Go on, make a big deal of it, you totally deserve it.  xoxo