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From coaching in the back seat of a car to a 7 figure business with Human Design

In late 2018, I was the Managing Director of OMD Sydney (media advertising agency) with a big secret…..I had given notice - destination more passion, purpose and fulfilment. 

This was a HARD  time in my life. While I was physically in the office, my heart was elsewhere….AND another thing about big jobs; they come with loooooong exit strategies. Cue months of anguish, guilt and being out of integrity. There was of course a glimmer of excitement, but the days felt long and heavy.

So being an open-to-the “woo”  kind of gal, I invested in the services of a fabulous kinesiologist (Zoe Bosco) who helped me stay connected to why I was making such a terrifying move. It was in a session together I first said the words, “I want to feel lit up and liberated!”. 

At this time the Universe also brought Emma Dunwoody into my life (a Master Coach), who was all juiced up about her new focus on Human Design. I was wide open for all the help and jumped at the chance to be one of her first HD clients.

We ended up side by side in the back seat of her car laptop between us, as she ran me through my energetic blueprint (the cafe was too noisy). Fun fact - today she has a 7+ figure business and hosts the world’s biggest Human Design podcast (over 1,000,000 downloads!). Her impact is astounding and inspiring.

I learned that I’m a sacral generator, 5/1 profile and left-angle cross of wishes. While this all sounded like gobbly gook, I was blown away to discover that my signature “in alignment” feeling is LIT UP (what the what!!). Also, my gut feeling is a superpower (confirmation of what I already knew), and my life theme is all about leadership for a better future - for myself and others…..which comes with a lot of tension from those who aren’t ready for that (recognise me, anyone?!).

You. Can. Not. Make. This. Stuff. Up!

A year later, I was out free in the world, creating my lit-up and liberated life (and business) but secretly struggling with cash flow & self-doubt. Note to all, leaving 30 years in corporate and a cushy salary to grow a business is flipping hard! Get your light-saver out; you will need it. My spidey sense said Emma was just the person to help me through this, so I hired her as my 1:1 coach.

Through our work together, I made a pivotal decision….to let go of my “I coach corporate people on any challenge/desire they have” in favour of the work that genuinely lights me up - Intuitive Business Coaching, AND leveraging my years in corporate marketing. My monthly income quantum leapt, and from a place of deeper self-understanding, my worth improved.

Emma came to me later that year (2020) with an opportunity to invest in her brand-new Human Design Mastermind & set myself up to offer Human Design as part of my business. 

I was hesitant….because I always go all in on the ONE thing that’s giving me the most satisfaction…and right then, it was business coaching.  But ultimately, I said yes, because I wanted to better understand my clients - my gut told me I wasn’t serving the non-generator types as effectively as I didn’t “get them” in the same way. 

I showed up but didn’t see the more enormous opportunity at that moment (blinders on!!). So rather than offering HD as a service, running my client’s charts to better support them became part of my process - and that alone is priceless!

Over the next two years, my business had extreme highs and less extreme lows….and I reached a point in mid-2022 when things felt challenging. I’d changed my Mastermind model to a “membership” style & whenever someone gave notice, I would spiral into shame. Then, during a bout with Covid, I wondered if it was worth it.

Cue massive reflection on why I left corporate, the work I’m here to do in the world and a realisation that I had hitched my self-worth wagon to financial success. For me, this was a total stuff up!

As my health improved, my passion returned. I leaned heavily on my Human Design training to bring myself back into alignment and expand my creativity. I birthed new offers and, for the first time, formally included “Human Design for Marketing” express readings. This was 100% intuitive, and I didn’t know that there weren’t too many others focused in this space. Interestingly I met Emma in Byron Bay for a coffee around this time, and there was a knowing look…..👀

Because Emma knew what I didn’t - that this work would be a game changer for me. And as it unfolded, even my self-proclaimed “anti-woo” clients couldn’t believe the resonance. So, sharing my HD marketing wisdom solidified my confidence in my intuitive gifts in this space.

The women in my Mastermind caught the bug that was me high vibing on the whole thing and demanded more Human Design, too, please! Creating the content for this intro to HD for marketing class for them …. was when I realised I had stumbled into a new niche. There was 100% attendance for two+ hours and an appetite for more.

🦋🐝Over the weeks that followed, I wrestled with the “should I go for this”, “do I know enough”, and “maybe I should just keep doing what I’m doing with this on the side” kind of vibes. I played with offering public readings (they sold out). Sitting on the beach during the last new moon of 2022, surrounded by white butterflies and bees, the decision was made.

🤩And that's when it hit me: "Human Design for Marketing" was my true calling!🤩

Last week was an unforgettable experience. I had the absolute privilege of sharing my innovative approach to Human Design for marketing with Emma, taking her through my thought process and system development. And to top it off, I used my system and its application to her marketing strategy. We had so much fun, and the feedback was incredible. When she said "I absolutely love it" and "Can you send this through? I'm relooking at my brand right this moment", I got chills!

So it’s no surprise you find me lit up and excited to continue exploring and sharing the power of Human Design for marketing. It is incredibly powerful because energy is currency and when you learn how to invest yours wisely the returns are endless.

If you’re sick of trying on other people’s generic strategies & ready to create more magnetic marketing by being MORE YOU, now is the time to book in a Human Design for Marketing chart unpack. Beta pricing won’t last long and you don’t want to miss out!

And while I’m here - a huge special thanks to Emma for all the little and not-so-little nudges, WE GOT THERE!

If you have any questions about this story or my offers, make sure you jump into the comments!