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How Human Design Profile Lines make you More Influence = More Sales

TRUTH TELLING: As a driven business owner and aspiring influencer, you're on a journey to make a significant impact.

The secret to achieving this lies in your influence.

Influence isn't just a vague concept; it's a tangible force that drives connections and ignites desire. The best part? Your DNA is already coded with the potential for influence. And guess what? Amplifying your influence is easier than you think.

Enter the world of Human Design profile lines – the very essence of your purpose and presence. Think of them as the costumes you wear in your journey, shaping both how you present yourself and how others perceive you. These lines hold the key to more authentic influence.

Introducing the "Influence Activation" Masterclass – a game-changing opportunity to unleash your authentic influence. This 90-minute deep dive is your ticket to understanding the intricate dance of your profile lines. Uncover the strategies, marketing tactics, environments, and content types that harmonise with your unique profile.

Witness the magic unfold as your influence blossoms, attracting your desired outcomes, with a whole lot more ease.

🎉And now for some exciting news - inside this upgraded masterclass, you will learn about your marketing influence archetype! 🎉

Are you the Ingenue? The Empathess, or maybe the Maven? And what does that mean for how you grow your influence?

Influence Activation


When: Thursday, November 9th 9.30-11am AEST / Wednesday November 8th 2.30-4.00pm PST

Where:  Zoom (link provided on sign up)

Replay?:  Limited time only

Join me in this transformative live session, brimming with exciting opportunities, incentive prizes, and a sizzling hot seat Q&A. Your path to influence starts here.

Save your seat now for the "Influence Activation" Masterclass (running 8/9th November 2023) and get ready to unleash your inherent power. Visit my profile for registration details. Your influence journey awaits – see you there!