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Gate 1 Human Design for Marketing and Business: Gate of Creativity

This Gate series synthesises the wisdom of Human Design and the Gene Keys to support you in leveraging your energetic frequency in creating authentic and aligned marketing. It’s designed to help you grow your engagement and inspire your ideal clients. The gates are particularly relevant in your marketing when:

  1. You have the Gate we are exploring in either your Personality Sun placement (this is your personal brand DNA) or in your Personality Mercury placement (how you’re designed to communicate).

  2. When the Gate is stationed in the Human Design Transit chart in either the Sun or Mercury positions - both will create a background frequency of this energy that gives you insight into the types of messaging your ideal clients will respond to.

Gate 1: Cosmic Content Code:

Authentic Creativity

As I write this post, Gate 1 is stationed in the Sun position in the transits (which happens each year around the 2nd week of November). I explore this transit energy on my YouTube Channel in my “Cosmic Content Code” series, watch the full episode here:

In human design, Gate 1 is "creative self expression". It is the energy of the founders, creators & original thinkers. Artists, creatives, pioneers and leaders exhibit this energy.

Although I don’t have this gate defined in my chart, I felt the background frequency of this gate in full blow this week.

I was called to visit & support a dear friend amid a challenging moment in her life but despite all my sincere efforts I couldn’t fly to her.

So, as I sat there at the airport, frustrated, over tired and over it - thinking, what the universe had planned for me,

I realized two things:

ONE, plot twists WILL happen! We will experience them time and time again in life. When we're heading in a direction (physically or metaphorically) and then suddenly (seemingly in an instant) everything changes.

TWO, the awareness that this is a time to avoid numbing out (like I did at the airport) and allow space for fresh thinking and even more creative solutions.

In retrospect, that’s one way this Gate 1 energy could manifest sometimes. It might topple things off and make us run for our most creative and original problem-solving selves, right in the middle of the storm. How else would our sleepy creative giants would wake up, right?!

While the shaking of foundations isn't fun, the reorganizing of perspective is important.

In fact, when we do this we are at our most alive, tuned in and creative.

So, back to you, the Gate 1 people!

You are someone who can create out of void. Your brand is strongly about originality and self expression. With your novel way of thinking, you can turn any chaotic moment into a moment of beauty. That’s the most practical aspect of your magnetism. I call it “Authentic Creativity”. In Gene keys, it’s called “the Divine Creative”.

Self trust is another prominent trait of gate 1 people. When you fully embody it as the highest expression of your “Self” and give yourself permission to go out there and express in unique ways, it always translates into creative solutions. The ones that never before existed.

Gate 1 and Your Personal Brand Marketing

Gate 1 brands have the “celebrity” vibe which gain limelight through their unique style & aesthetics. You are highly individuated so a brand that communicates your core values through storytelling, or other artistic ways serves you best.

You can unlock your most intentional & impactful brand expression using the info in this gate. Here are some insights to help strengthen your brand and marketing as a gate 1 personality.

  • Evoke emotions: Engage through creative storytelling. Claim the center stage and communicate your core values, your origin story or even daily life challenges and business struggles with your creative spin. Stories create strong emotional impact, making consumers more likely to remember your brand and engage with it.

  • Aesthetics: Gate 1 brands are powered by aesthetics. Use creative and visually appealing marketing materials. Give your brand assets a fresh glow-up right from the start.

  • Memorability: Use imaginative, witty, or visually appealing advertisement or marketing material. They make for a unique brand and are more likely to be remembered. Memorable marketing is essential for brand recall, which can lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

  • Creative Content: such as interactive videos, quizzes, contests, or visually appealing infographics will encourage your audience engagement. I go specific about content prompts for your marketing messaging in all my signature programs.

  • Community: Stand out by aligning with your own purpose, talking about it fervently. Present unique perspectives, original & fresh ideas and creative solutions to the problems. This way you teach others how to stand in their authenticity. And grow your impact & community fast.

Gate 1 Marketing pitfalls and what to do about them

Gate 1 is also known as “The Egoist”. At this end of the spectrum, the frequency becomes that of an ego-driven messaging. This Not-Self frequency is not aligned to your (and your personal brand’s) true nature & DNA.

To counter this, you may want to work on Letting Go!

Letting go of old ways of thinking and problem solving.

Letting go of what’s already out there as “proven” and instead offering innovative solutions and approaches to current reality.

Also, recognizing and transcending ego-driven behaviors, active listening, empathy, and a genuine desire to understand and serve your audience can truly align your messaging to your DNA. The one your audience will respond to with a genuine interest and a deeper sense of connection.

Here are some marketing insights for avoiding the pitfalls:

Audience-focused: While you are showcasing your personal or business achievements, you need to tie it into how your people can do this too and how it serves them - always making it audience-centric. This will also build an empathetic and service-driven messaging.

Genuine connection: Drive your marketing campaigns with authenticity. Build trust by being open and transparent. Share curious little stories that showcase your human side. This no-pedestal messaging will foster genuine connections and attract the right people to you.

Flipping the script: Gate 1 energy can sometimes shake foundations and that calls for seeking fresh perspectives (despite overwhelm) and creative thinking. If you come forward with creative solutions in the face of challenges, openly sharing your journey, it will help teach people the same.

So, if you fully want to own your persona through your brand and claim the pioneer role that this gate potentially offers, you have to be the one who:

  • stays open to fresh and original perspectives

  • relies on your creative expression to build a strong personal brand

  • thrives off of ingenuity and vulnerability in communication, whether personal or business related

Tell, me how do you resonate with the energy of this gate in your design. What stood out, what didn’t relate.

Say it all in the comment box below!


Further Resources

Click here to download your FREE Human Design chart.

Or click here to book your Human Design Marketing reading.