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Gate 43 Human Design: Gate of Insight and Intuition, Marketing Insights

This Gate series synthesizes the wisdom of Human Design and the Gene Keys to support you in leveraging your energetic frequency in creating authentic and aligned marketing. It’s designed to help you grow your engagement and inspire your ideal clients. The gates are particularly relevant in your marketing when:

  1. You have the Gate we are exploring in either your Personality Sun placement (this is your personal brand DNA) or in your Personality Mercury placement (how you’re designed to communicate).

  2. When the Gate is stationed in the Human Design Transit chart in either the Sun or Mercury positions - both will create a background frequency of this energy that gives you insight into the types of messaging your ideal clients will respond to.

Gate 43: Cosmic Content Code:


As I write this post, Gate 43 is stationed in the Sun position in the transits (which happens each year around mid November). I explore this transit energy on my YouTube Channel in my “Cosmic Content Codes” series, watch the full episode here: (Click the image below)

In Human Design, Gate 43 is the gate of Insight and Intuition. In my Cosmic Content codes, I call it “Trusting in Originality”, as that’s the essence of the message in this frequency.

Here’s what I mean by that: the power of listening to your intuition to access deep insight is available through this energy.

As a background frequency this gate has a hugely creative energy. Although it may feel like a bit of a roller coaster, as we move from being deaf to our truth into the breakthrough insights or realization.

If you have gate 43 in your Personality Sun, you are likely known for your creative, expansive and insightful points of view.

Your brand is known for its originality. You are a creative thinker and regularly experience intuitive hits of wisdom (epiphanies in Gene keys). It's your mission to expand what's possible by listening to and trusting yourself and birthing new ways of being, doing & having.

So ask yourself what epiphanies lie in wait for you while you choose (or not) to turn your Inner Ear on?!

Gate 43 and Your perosanal brand

Turning your Inner Ear on means dialing into your inner compass for clarity. Clarity it is!

I’ve experienced this firsthand - one such magical moment of “Clarity” - back when I was evolving my business towards more Human Design integration.

Things were going well, and clients were flowing in, but there was some resistance. Because while I was experimenting with Human Design, I was “playing” rather than owning…

Under the Capricorn New Moon, I grabbed my journal thinking maybe when I get out in the fresh air, clarity will come through my pen. I took myself down to the beach with my little black Cavoodle (Cavapoo if for my USA people), and we ambled along long stretches of sand…when suddenly, 100’s of white butterflies surrounded us.

I felt goosebumps all over and wondered what this even meant. Then I got back towards my towel, only for the butterflies to be replaced by bees 🐝. It was an epic moment, and of course I couldn’t resist searching for the meaning.

It turned out white butterflies are all about surrendering to a transformation that's trying to come through. And bees are a symbol of hard work and building community

And that’s the moment that I heard my truth loud and clear.

It was time to release my fear, stop hiding behind “experimenting” and claim my space as the leader I am, in the magical world of Human Design and Marketing.

What’s unfolded since has blown my freaking mind! My business has exploded and so has my impact.


Which is precisely what happens, when you harness the power of this frequency and trust your original insight.

With gate 43 prominent in your chart, it is essential (not optional) for you to step away frequently and clear space for your unique insights to surface.

Your messaging when infused with this level of unique and original perspective will transform not only your impact, but help others find their truth in the most transformative way possible.

Because we are talking original ideas that are ahead of their time, the timing to share them is crucial as well. Trust yourself to also know when the timing is right to share your insight and ideas with the world for maximum impact.

This gate 43 energy is powerful enough to also bring about the physical or external breakthroughs and not just the internal revelations.

That’s why when you actively clear the “old and stagnant”, you’d see the many pending or stuck matters just dissipating and getting “quantum-solved” honestly in a flash!

So ask yourself: In life and in my messaging. . .

  • What old and stuck energy or beliefs am I holding on to?

  • In what ways am I being called to become more ME and “BE” my most original, raw and joyous self?

  • How can I let go of old ways so I reclaim what’s there to reclaim as my unique dominion?

And then go on to show the way and lead the path through your genius!

Tell, me how do you resonate with the energy of this gate in your design. What stands out to you and what do you relate to the most?

I encourage you to share your thoughts and ask questions in the comment box below.


resources for your next breakthrough:

Click here to download your FREE Human Design chart.

Book a Human Design for Marketing Reading with Yvette.

Enroll in The Frequency Project Minimind. Open for final time this year (till Nov 23, 2023), and is an upgraded 12-week experience, to help you elevate your frequency and activate your most magnetic personal brand, and set yourself up for a quantum leap in 2024!