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Hope is not big enough, without attaching it to dreams

I am at a cross roads. This week, I officially completed all of my health coaching studies and graduation requirements. Whilst I still have to wait for my Certificate, the fact is I am now a qualified, certified Health Coach. In some regards this is cause for celebration, in others, it's signified a big change. And change is scary. At least it is if you don't have an eye on what you want to achieve big picture. When you do, change often times becomes more exciting and liberating than fear ridden.

During my treatment for breast cancer in 2011, in Sydney Australia, deep reflection set in. I realized that in order for me to to be truly happy, I needed a rethink. It awakened in me a desire to live life on a bigger playing field. Whilst I didn't have a clear vision of how, I knew that I needed to make some big changes. I spent a lot of time thinking about what truly makes me happy. I realized that adventure, travel and physical activity are big bringers of joy to my life - let's call these my biggest passions. Also that giving back/helping others and leaving a mark on the world created that nervous excitement in my tummy that gave me a clue as to what my purpose is about. 

Three and a half years later I am living in New York city. I travel for work and pleasure regularly *understatement*. I'm a qualified health coach. I've raised a significant amount of money for cancer research. My next 'project' on the horizon is yoga teacher training. I believe all of this has occured because I took the time out to reflect and get clear on my goals and intentions. To prioritize my happiness. To align my purpose and passion.

Which leads me to where I am now. Which feels pretty scary if I'm honest. Because while my life could not be better today, I'm less certain of where I want to be in five years time. Really investing myself into building a new five year vision is hard. I mean why can't I (or you) just be "normal" and coast along hoping for happiness? I will tell you why. Because hope is simply not BIG enough without attaching it to your dreams. 

In my last week of health coaching studies, Marie Forleo spoke on 'strategies for unstoppable success'. Whilst she is a business coach first and foremost, her lessons and approach are really more holistic.  She started us off by asking us to get focussed on a very detailed dream/ vision of where we want to be in five years time. As a total reality slap she asked us to begin with, I will be X years old. I will be forty nine years old. What?!

I am kicking and screaming my way through this process. It all comes down one thing. Fear. There are aspects of my life that I simply need to let go of to move forward. Not today or tomorrow, but I do need a plan of how and when. Why? because taking those steps is very important to continuing on this gloriously satisfying journey of my life. 

My vision is beginning to come into focus. Following my dreams is non negotiable. Yes I just wrote those words down so you keep me accountable.

What do you want to achieve in the next five years? When was the last time you really spent time reflecting and creating an inspired vision of your future life? If this all feels too daunting to do alone, a health coach can definitely help.  And that health coach could even be me. With my recent graduation, I'm offering free wellness & wonder sessions and a beta phase of coaching (a 3 month plan) at half price for two lucky peeps. Sessions can take place by video chat or phone. Click on the services link for more information if you are interested.