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Soul Food week two challenge

Firstly quick update on week one.  Did you manage to go to turn your electronics off 30 minutes before bed time? I did....just not every night.  While I believe in this concept to promote good sleep, seems for me at least the cancer fighting medication I take has other ideas. Sure I was able to fall to sleep quickly, but my wide awake night sweat 10 minutes later meant overall no improvement. I believe in a mere 6 months time when I am finally off said drugs my sleep will go back to normal.

By the way, I did not find this challenge easy and there was some relief in deciding it didn't work for me so I could watch just 'one more episode' before bed time. More work to be done on this front. I am too addicted to my devices. 

In week two, I am taking the opportunity to commit to daily exercise. This one is not incredibly difficult for me but I must say I have lacked commitment to some degree of late. This week I commit to hitting a yoga class or going to yoga every single day before work. On the weekend I will also ensure to work out both days. I have a long weekend though and am going to set my weekly goal at 6 rather than 7 work outs.  You can have too much of a good thing. 

Given I'm running behind schedule I'm already 3 days in on this. I managed a 3 mile run Monday, a 5 mile run Tuesday and a yoga class before work this morning. I am having a great week. Exercise is definitely super nutritious soul food.... at least for me.

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