The path to 'lit up & liberated'


As I sit here typing, it’s December the 29th 2018. Which makes it about 9 days since I walked out of my Corporate MD (of an advertising agency) role into the great unknown. Actually, that’s a stretch, I do know where I’m headed to, even if the directions are a little less clear!

The destination, isn’t actually a place, instead it’s a feeling. More specifically, it’s the way that I want to feel on a day to day basis. It’s both ambitious and yet, it’s achievable. If not all day every day, then at least a whole lot more than we’re led to believe.

This quest of mine, began a little over eight years ago. A cancer diagnosis is terrifying, gut wrenching and debilitating. I went through every bit of ugly and I can promise you, it’s best avoided. It left me with one positive thing though. A realisation that I wanted more from my life. Not more money or things, but more meaning and more joy. To be able to look back whenever my time comes, with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Now you could say my life until that point was filled with accomplishments. It kind of was. A house, a fancy car, nice clothes and a good job. But when it came to actually being fulfilled, and making positive deposits into the world, I was left feeling short. I realised I had spent a lot of my adult life working hard in my advertising career, with my week to week experience being survival mode. There had to be more.

Since then, I’ve traveled in a few different directions, ticking some boxes but still not clear on the big picture. The move to New York was without doubt the right one. Spending a year living with my close friend Nicole, who ultimately lost her life to breast cancer, further shone a light on the need to keep questioning So I kept exploring what matters - note to all: experiences, not things, family, and getting the most out of every day are all high on the list.

In New York I studied Health Coaching, then Yoga Teaching. I still didn’t have a plan, but I was expanding in new directions. The move home fulfilled a lot for me too. It was especially important after five years away, to be back within arms reach of my family.

Then a year ago, essential oils found me.. My passion for them was fast and furious. I said no to sharing them (selling them, network market WTF!) at the outset, but shortly after realised I couldn’t NOT share these incredible gifts of nature. Then it snow balled. Over time, I saw the potential unfold in front of my eyes. The potential to redirect myself toward a life spent helping people with their health and wellbeing and reducing their households toxic load. Even better, the opportunity to lead others towards what I was discovering was a life with more freedom, abundance and happiness too.

Make no mistake, this year has been challenging. One of the most challenging of my life. I’ve worked tirelessly. My travel schedule at times exhausted me. Neither of these aspects has been as difficult as the personal tour of growth I continue to be on. Self doubt and fear have been along for the ride and they don’t seem to be letting me off just yet.

That said, I figured it out and now I can’t go back. It came to me (in a kinesiologist appointment, no less!), that without me realising it, I had figured out the destination. When asked what I really wanted, I blurted out ‘I want to live a life that makes me feel lit up and liberated’. We both said…wow, that’s powerful. Just like that, my mission was born.

Since then, it has grown. I’ve realised, it’s not just about me, but inspiring many others to make bold life changing decisions. To look at how they’re really spending their lives and question whether it’s a good use of the short time they have here. If not, to reconsider, redirect and rebirth.

Yes holidays are amazing, you are probably enjoying one right now. But I just don’t think they’re enough. It may sound a little cheesy, but how amazing to not feel like you need to escape your life to achieve fulfilment?

Here’s a little exercise. Carve up your week into hours then %. Allocate hours across sleep, work, play, exercise, family time and whatever else makes sense. Then consider this, do the areas of highest % positively fill your heart and soul? Do you believe you’re investing wisely with your allotted hours? How would you describe the overall feeling you get from reflecting on this? If it’s something along the lines of average to poor, I urge you to use this to inspire some serious soul searching. It doesn’t need to take a cancer diagnosis to find more purpose and passion in your life.

Today, I’m a brand new entrepreneur. I know I’m going to make a tonne of mistakes. Sometimes, I will fully question my decision. I don’t expect to feel lit up and liberated all day every day. It is, however, my absolute goal to increase the %. As I said before, I believe it’s ambitious yet I know it’s achievable.

As I follow this path, I’m inviting you along for the ride. Whether that means reading this here blog, following my instagram or joining my doTERRA team. I’m in this for the long haul and I’m all about sharing. Newsflash - my instagram has a brand new handle - make sure you follow me there IG: litupandliberated