Want to know why I'm proud to work in Network Marketing?


Two years ago, I could never have guessed, I would be sitting here writing a blog piece in support of Network Marketing. My personal opinion was steer clear of it, it’s a pyramid scheme. Of course I knew very little about the field. Although I did try and fly a non existent plane once. Boy that was an expensive night!

After spending 30 years building an enormously successful career in advertising, you might even wonder if I’ve gone mad. Why walk away from that, to work in an industry that is often shunned by people like you and I? I don’t blame you one iota. There is so much we don’t know - until we know.

Which is why iIm going to tell you a little bit more about my experience. So keep reading, try to have an open mind, and be prepared to see many more people you know, follow this same path.

My top 10:

  1. You have to admit it, we’re all in direct marketing

    When was the last time you told a friend about something in your life you were loving? Maybe something you thought would benefit them too? Maybe it was a Doctor you visited. A great book. A new wrinkle cream. A hotel you stayed at.

    Having come from a traditional (paid) marketing background myself, I’m fully aware that this ‘word of mouth’ marketing, is more powerful than any TV advertisement you will watch. I’ve seen the marketing models and planned campaigns aimed specifically at getting you to do more of this talking. Because this talking, is marketing. The kind of marketing that is authentic and powerful.

    Of course, a key difference between ‘word of mouth’ and direct marketing, is that you’re rewarded for sharing your passion in the latter. Businesses using a direct selling (network marketing) model, skip traditional marketing channels, choosing to harness passionate humans as their marketing vehicle instead.

    The traditional approach leads to a multitude of businesses being employed and profit margins paid to each - yep, I spent 30 years of my career benefiting from this. With NM, there’s no budget for advertisements to be created or money spent to run them across media channels.  Instead, for every sales $ collected, a fixed % is paid back to people like me. Simple and rewarding for the sales people.

    As consumers, most often our money goes to giant, publicly listed corporations. When you buy from a Network Marketing business, it’s different. You’re more likely to be helping a small business owner grow, supporting them by buying products you will benefit from. Sometimes even love. Love so much, that you find yourself doing a little word of mouth yourself. This is when the magic happens.

  2. Female empowerment

    Did you know that most women in Australia that earn over $100k per year, work in the Network Marketing profession? Shocked? I was. As you continue to read through this list, I’m pretty sure you will start to understand why. Especially when I get on to the next point - flexibility and freedom. That’s not the only reason though.

    When I chose to build a business with doTERRA, I felt called and compelled to do so. Trust me, it wasn’t divine intervention (well maybe it was a little). I saw women who I respected leading thousands of customers with integrity, passion, an open heart and willingness to bust through societal blocks. Their empowerment shone brightly and that light attracted me. I don’t know any other business model where high profile, successful women offer their wisdom, mentoring and friendship so liberally.

  3. Freedom & flexibility

    How does the 9 to 5pm+ hustle suit your energy and effectiveness? How about your family commitments? If you’re like me, it was challenging at times. There’s a huge trend in corporate towards evolving this framework, but it’s going to be a long time coming. Even for companies that talk the talk, the walk is harder to deliver on. There is so much structure embedded into a consistent, standard set of hours.

    When it comes to personal & family needs, it’s also difficult to show up without immense guilt. Working in Network Marketing completely flips this on the head. I’m not going to tell you it’s easy or you will work less (although that’s possible). What it teaches you, however, is how to work smarter. To lean into your bodies natural energy rhythms, maximise your productivity and get sh*t done when and where it makes the most sense FOR YOU.

    Personally, one of my motivations for stepping into this field was to enable me to be more helpful in supporting my family. Now I can drive a family member to the hospital at lunch time on Monday, without guilt or impact to my business. I just plan for it and work around it. Need me to represent at the school sports carnival? I’ve got you!

    It’s not surprising then that this profession is filled with mamas building their own schedule, to be more present for their family. While I may not have kids of myself, I do have a wanderlusting soul. I really appreciate the lack of a need to limit my travel and instead integrate my work into my days wherever I am. No need to check in with anyone, if I have my laptop and phone, I can work from anywhere.

  4. You choose to work with a company with shared values, in a category you’re passionate about

    It’s true, not all Network Marketing companies are equal. I could and will write a post about why I’m such a huge fan of doTERRA some other time. For now I’ll keep this snappy. If you’re going to build this sort of business, make sure it’s representing a product you absolutely, unequivocally believe in and love. And don’t stop there.

    Make sure, the company behind the ‘goods/services’ also thoroughly aligns with your values. In this field, you don’t take a job and suffer the consequences. You choose a company you are 100% proud to partner with. Then you find your voice in sharing their message. If you do that, consistently, you will have success.

  5. It’s accessible to anyone

    Unlike starting your own business from scratch, this model is financially viable for most. You don’t need huge capital. With doTERRA, you can get started with as little as $35, although I would recommend a $330 kit. At which point, you can start earning money immediately. There’s even a woman in the business who was on Centerlink that is now now a top income earner (yep 7 figures+).

    Ongoing business costs are roughly $130 per month. doTERRA take care of the product research, development, sourcing, financial management, distribution etc. There is incredible training and mentoring at your disposal from day dot. All of which adds up to anybody can do this. Although, to make it a success depends on many factors -> starting with you.

  6. Personal development

    I had a chat with a potential new business partner yesterday and I said this to her. “You need to really want this and understand that it will cause you to grow into a bigger better version of yourself. If that doesn’t sound like something you’re ready for, say no”.

    No matter how many blog posts or articles are written on the topic of this one, many people have blocks around Network Marketing. There are companies and products being sold that are geared toward money making, rather than happy customers. doTERRA isn’t one of them. That said, it’s of course tarred with the same brush. Which means sometimes when I invite people to hear more, I get a flat out no. Which is heavy on the ego, or at least it used to be. Over time, it’s gotten much easier. The way forward is trusting in yourself and your intentions. This takes a lot of soul work. Some days there are tears. Other days, it’s complete elation. Over time, however, you can bet you’re building character, resilience and confidence. Three traits I think are pretty awesome to have.

    One more thing, I’m a year in now and my business has grown to almost 500 customers. That’s 500 people who have said yes, I would like to invest in essential oils to support my families health. Many of whom, have become loyal, grateful fans, who I just need to think about to snap me out of any ‘they don’t like me’ sort of moments.

  7. Financial model of abundance

    Only the very top companies in Australia, have multiple 7 figure earners. doTERRA sits in this category.  Unlike most other businesses, however, these huge incomes are largely in the hands of women. Women who are conscious consumers, that will circulate this type of wealth in a way that supports not just their loved ones, but the less fortunate and even the planet. I would be super interested to know how many non NM companies in Australia have as many female 7 figure earners.

    Of course, this level of compensation is difficult to achieve. Otherwise, everybody would build a doTERRA business! That said, generosity exists across the entire compensation model. You get to choose how much energy to invest, and on what timeline.  If you want to build a big business (and income) fast, you’re going to need to invest a lot of hours and effort from day one (perhaps even more than 40 hours a week). 

  8. Safety - to scale down and scale up

    On the other hand, if your goal is slow and sustainable, you can gradually scale up with Network Marketing as you scale down other income streams (I mean jobs!). The vast majority of us begin by juggling a NM business with a full time job. Many continue doing this until their business income equals, or over takes, their job. This is hard yards, I can tell you, but if safety/certainty are core values, it’s the right approach. It will potentially take longer and mean juggling more commitments, but it’s a path you’re free to choose.

  9. Mentoring and community

    One of the most incredible parts of working in this field is the generous, awesome folks who go before you. While, it’s true, some of these people may be benefiting from your growth, it’s not always the case. What is always the case, at least in my experience, is enormous generosity and support.

    The woman who I opened my account with, was an enormously successful entrepreneur, with two established businesses, before expanding to doTERRA. These days, she mentors me on the daily, helping me through every step of my business. As she does with anyone in her team and with the broader community.

    I guess my team would say something similar of me. I’m an ex corporate Managing Director, mentoring women from all walks of life, from the police force to real estate and EA’s. I’ve found my leadership skills to be transferable and this is an aspect of doTERRA I love.

    Speaking of community. OMG! I guess it’s not surprising I’ve met so many incredible women through doTERRA. It attracts people with attributes I’m drawn to. I expect that by choosing a Network Marketing business that you feel passionate about, you will have the same experience.

    Here’s an example of how this works for me. doTERRA is filled with people (mostly women) who are spiritually minded, passionate about holistic health, driven, brave and who have a growth mindset. These are the exact kind of people who help raise my own vibration (woo woo) and make me want to be a better human. Not only that, but we loudly cheer each other along, or offer support and comfort, depending on what’s needed in any given moment. I’ve made life long friends and know I will continue to do so. I have people in my own team who I’ve helped do the same for, and it feels freaking awesome.

  10. Being of service

    It’s true I sell essential oils. That’s not all I do though. I listen to what’s going on in an individuals (or families) health builds and am able to offer hope. Hope that regularly converts into relief.

    One of my very favourite parts of my business, is the success stories (+ the gratitude). I recently hosted a class for a passionate customer and she cried telling her friends how much her oils helped her through a bad emotional patch last year. This means everything to me.

    It’s just one of the many aspects of service I’m empowered to provide. The next is the leadership and support I offer my team. My favourite part of my business (sorry if I’ve said that twice) is coaching and celebrating my team. Their success makes me giddy. When you are witness to somebody you’ve grown to love, expanding personally and succeeding in their business, that brings a joy that’s hard to describe. Happy tears sort of joy.

    I can’t vouch for all NM businesses, but by being with doTERRA, there’s so much more. We’re giving back to so many more lives than we can see, touch and feel on an every day basis. This starts with the farmers that harvest our crops, many of whom live in developing nations and were poverty stricken before doTERRA came along. There are indeed lives positively impacted across the entire supply chain. Also, there’s the philanthropic focus, with people in dire need benefiting from the Healing Hands foundation. Whether that’s children living as sex slaves, communities flattened by natural disasters or sex education for girls who wouldn’t other wise receive this info, there are so many lives touched. Which makes working in partnership with this business something I’m very, very proud of.

So there you have it! Tell me, have I changed your perception even just a little?