Joining the dots


“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Steve Jobs

I really love this quote from Steve Jobs. He surely wasn't a prophet on all fronts but this speaks to me. Particularly right now, as I try to make sense of how I've arrived at where I am today and also where I'm heading.

I'm leaving New York City. Not because I have to, or even because I have a great desire to. I'm happy in NY. I love my life, my friends, my work, my play, my everything. Despite this, the stars (or dots) have aligned and I find myself in the process of a huge life change. I'm moving home.

Since recovering from breast cancer treatments, I've been slowly building the credentials to step out of the corporate world and into something health and wellness related. I'm an accredited health coach. I write a self help style blog. This year I completed 200 hours of yoga teacher training. Effective very soon, I'm a contributor to Adrianna Huffington's 'Thrive' platform.

Given this, it may come as a huge surprise to you that I've accepted a more Senior corporate role in Sydney. It certainly wasn't something I planned or dreamed of. And yet, as I look back I can see the dots joining and as I look forward I feel genuine excitement. 

Looking back the dots are obvious.  I wrote about loving work in March, then staying open to change followed by 5 keys to happiness at work in April. What I haven't written about so much is my family and what's going on back home that I'm missing. Suffice to say, when your parents get older you realize they're not immortal. Time away is time never regained. 

When I headed home for a visit in Sept/Oct I actually felt a sense of dread. Like I was going home to face the music. Living on the other side of the world has given me freedom from responsibility. Which has been liberating for sure, so it's understandable. Being home was different though. I saw the beauty of my home through fresh eyes. I felt the love all around me intensely. I realized that if I was given a short time to live it's where I would want to be. After five years of living on the other side of the world, this wasn't lost on me. We only get one go.

Then towards the end of my trip I was offered an amazing opportunity.  A role that came looking for me. I spent weeks first at home and then at my other home (NY) in contemplation. I thought about my values, my passions, purpose and beliefs. I had a huge spreadsheet of considerations. I almost said no. Then I didn't. I said YES.

A few weeks on and I'm sure in my gut and in my heart that I made the right decision. I'm excited, confident and passionate. All the contemplation turned out to be critical in figuring out what I love most when it comes to my career.  That is, telling stories, leading teams with authenticity, building strong relationships, championing balance, having fun and winning.  I believe I'm going to be enabled to do all of these things. 

Of course I've been stressed. I've never slept less in my life. And I really value sleep. Thankfully now I'm mostly on the other side of it. In fact I write to you from Tulum in Mexico, where I'm spending Thanksgiving week. I'm back up to 7 or even 8 hours a night and that's a sure sign I'm in a good place. I'm also able to take a step back, to see the bigger picture and for that I'm so very grateful.

The next few months are going to be different as I live somewhere between my two homes.  Moving countries and companies is a complicated business.  There's going to be a period where I'm not firmly in either. During which I intend to thoroughly embrace the travel style good stuff. You can expect much more frequent posting from exotic locations and sharing incredible experiences. Lots of yoga, good eats, mixing it with locals and basically getting the best out of every single day.

Thanks to all who read this blog. I'm so very lucky to share my life and my stories with you. The good, the bad and the ugly. Things will continue to unfold, lessons learned, clarity gained. As they do I'd love to hear from you.  Challenge me, support me, disagree with me, I invite it all.