
Do you think you might benefit from a health coach?

After the post I wrote last week, I know I could do with one myself.  Which got me thinking that given I am qualified in the area, it would be a good exercise to give you a demo using myself as the subject. 

Excuse me while I talk about myself in the 3rd person in this post! Below I'm going to give you some insight into the health coaching processs.  From my POV a health coach offers support and accountability in a safe space. Here's what could happen in the first couple of sessions. 

Why the Whole30 didn't meet my expectations

This week I finished my Whole30. In fact today is considered to be Day 34. Overall I am super pleased I took on the challenge and got to the end without any major slips. I would say ANY slips but on the last night I acccidentally ate a mouthful of cheese.  And whilst if that occurs at any point on the W30 you are supposed to start from day 1, that is not on my agenda 29.7 days into the job!

At the end of the 30 days I was a bag of mixed emotions. I found that while I had some wins (my blood pressure was the best I've seen it in years), I also had some losses. The biggest being my running stamina. It was off from the start and yet even when carefully following the pre and post work out directions, it never righted itself. Yes there is the theory that I just need some more time for my body to kick into fat burning mode. Maybe that's a reality. I'm just not convinced. My other issue on the energy front is that my bar is so high. I have never lacked energy. So asking for some 'tiger blood' to come forth was maybe setting myself up for failure?! Do I feel energetic in general after the Whole30? YES.  Do I feel more energetic after the Whole30?  I don't know!

Fat is your friend

For much of my life I followed the commonly held belief that a low fat diet is both good for you and supports a healthy BMI. Regularly consumed 'foods' included diet coke, skim milk, egg white omlette's, low fat dressings, diet yoghurt, cheese, sugar free gum and more. If you are still consuming these less healthy (yes less healthy) staples listen up. Stop right now.  I guess you are wondering why?

To Whole30 or not?!

Earlier this year I bought the book 'It Starts with Food' amongst others while I was working my way through health coaching studies. Most of these books are actually still sitting on my book shelf unread.  It turned out that between working full time and studying, adding load to related content was more than I could manage.  Then there was the fact that I was not eating meat or chicken given the this approach to food is quite paleo like (meat, chicken, eggs, fish, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds).

On vegetarianism and my decision to eat meat again

Eleven months ago, after researching desmoid tumors and what they have in common with breast cancer I decided to become a vegan.  Primarily due to the fact that both share estrogen receptivity and avoiding the hormones in produce seemed to make a lot of sense to me. Plus Kris Carr is one of my guru's and she is very passionate about her vegan lifestyle and it's cancer fighting properties. So it was very worth trying.

There are so many diets out there, what should I eat?

Are you one of those people who has over the years tried almost every diet going?  I totally am. I have tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Fit for Life, High carb, low carb, high protein, juicing, the MB 12 Week Challenge and of course the I am only going to eat 1000 calories per day every day for the rest of my life diet.

Special friends and food

Confession. I've never been much of a cook. There have been short bursts of kitchen related activity (like back when I was living with an exboyfriend or two). But I've never cooked just for me, despite having lived on my own for some 10 years or so. Up until recently that is.