
You are not alone in feeling resistance....

So many of my local clients and friends are sharing in this “curiosity”. After the initial shock of isolation, there’s a sense of ‘um no, I’m not ready for this to end’. 👋 me too, particularly as the world is just so pretty, with less pollution.

A friends daughter, burst into tears when told her school was going back a week earlier, than previously advised. My niece shared she’s quite happy with life as it is now (outside of water polo, that she would like back in her life, like pronto!). When I ran a corporate workshop yesterday, we discussed that even extroverts are feeling this resistance.

Here’s the thing.

I’m a happier human, since my run in with breast cancer #mikedrop

To be clear I’m not glad it happened. It was a full on nightmare that included 4 surgeries, 6 months of chemotherapy, a year of herceptin and 5 years of hormone therapy. And I went into early menopause aged 39. Not exactly fun.

Back to the topic at hand.

What is, is what matters most….

What is, is what matters most….

Do you sometimes find yourself in your head thinking about what might happen in the future? 

When I was in the thick of breast cancer treatment, I had a realisation. No amount of worrying about whether (or not) I would survive would change the outcome. That if I invested my precious time into worry, my now would suffer.