human design marketing blueprint

Powerful Marketing Tactics for 1/3 Profile in Human Design

Are you a 1/3 in human design looking to activate your most magnetic personal brand? Then you are about to learn the most aligned ways to do just that, so strap on in!

As a 1/3, you possess a blend of information-oriented line 1 energy and experiential line 3 energy. This combination fuels your desire for research, deep dives, and substantial knowledge. When you embrace the confidence that comes from your wealth of lived experiences (line 3) and the learned wisdom you've gained (line 1), you will activate your magnetism like nothing else!

Marketig Tips for Generators for more Magnetism

My fellow Generators, yes, it’s true that consistent content creation is key to building a successful online presence.

And YES you have a lot of energy for working on your content. If you are lucky enough to have multiple defined motor centres, you are likely something of a creation machine.

BUT please don’t get so busy creating that you lose the potency of your message.

If you have latched on to the idea that the more you create, the more visible you become, and the more likely it is that people will engage with you beware. Because while there is some truth to this, there is also a danger in becoming a victim of consistency. It can be tempting to churn out content day after day, but if you're not paying attention to the quality of what you're creating, you're not doing yourself any favours!

From coaching in the back seat of a car to a 7 figure business with Human Design

In late 2018, I was the Managing Director of OMD Sydney (media advertising agency) with a big secret…..I had given notice - destination more passion, purpose and fulfilment. 

This was a HARD  time in my life. While I was physically in the office, my heart was elsewhere….AND another thing about big jobs; they come with loooooong exit strategies. Cue months of anguish, guilt and being out of integrity. There was of course a glimmer of excitement, but the days felt long and heavy.

So being an open-to-the “woo”  kind of gal, I invested in the services of a fabulous kinesiologist (Zoe Bosco) who helped me stay connected to why I was making such a terrifying move. It was in a session together I first said the words, “I want to feel lit up and liberated!”. 

At this time the Universe also brought Emma Dunwoody into my life (a Master Coach), who was all juiced up about her new focus on Human Design. I was wide open for all the help and jumped at the chance to be one of her first HD clients.

How to Create Viral Content That Resonates With Your Ideal Clients

If you're using social media for business, you know the thrill of seeing a post go viral. The likes, comments, and shares can be a huge ego boost, but more importantly, they can lead to deeper engagement and consideration for your offers. But not all viral posts are created equal. It's not just about the numbers, but about the relevance of the content to your ideal clients.

Recently, I had two posts that went viral: one on Facebook that had over 150 likes and 37 comments, and another on Instagram and LinkedIn that got 6,000 views and 200 new followers. But the post that was more strategically valuable to my business was the first one, because it was a personal share that tied into my brand story and led to more demand for my services. The second post, while more popular in terms of numbers, wasn't as strategic and didn't attract the right audience.