breast cancer

I’m a happier human, since my run in with breast cancer #mikedrop

To be clear I’m not glad it happened. It was a full on nightmare that included 4 surgeries, 6 months of chemotherapy, a year of herceptin and 5 years of hormone therapy. And I went into early menopause aged 39. Not exactly fun.

Back to the topic at hand.

In pursuit of healthy cells!

In pursuit of healthy cells!

I sometimes wonder why my body and my cells decided to go rogue. I mean, at what point, did a few of my little cells decide to jump ship and be officially pronounced abnormal? Yes, this post is largely about breast cancer!

To be fair, it’s not the only time I’ve had problems with my cells running amok.

I have another abnormal cell situation with a rare tumor (called a desmoid) in my upper thigh/pelvis area. This one is on a wait and see program. In good news, it’s smaller now than when I first found it.

I didn't know what would happen

I didn't know what would happen

When I bought essential oils from doTERRA last November, I just thought, I hope they help. I hope they help with my sleep challenges, my stress levels & if they could please also help the achy desmoid tumor in my leg disappear (or even just stop hurting), well that would be ace.

To be fair, since having been diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago, I’ve been drawn like a magnet to natural & holistic health. I’m all for modern medicine, I’ve benefited greatly. But, the toxic load on our lives and bodies freaks me out. So, my inclination is to turn to low (or no) tox solutions, to integrate the best of modern and holistic support to strengthen my resilience.

When I bought a doTERRA kit of oils, I didn’t know what would happen.

Breast cancer specific Essential Oils intro class (audio only) - please share!

This recording is of an Essential Oils one on one chat I had with a fellow breast cancer survivor. She didn't love being recorded, so it's mostly just me talking!

This isn't the standard class format, I don't even talk about what essential oils are, or why doTERRA. That being said, I hope it's helpful. If you're a breast cancer survivor and would like to learn more, please get in touch with me - my email is

One thing I want to make clear - Clary Sage/Clary Calm are very potent and you need to be careful using them if you've had a hormonal breast cancer. Do your research, ask your Doctor and trust your intuition..

Please enjoy listening to my dog bark and me discuss my vacant love life. Typical Yvette Mayer over share. Vulnerability in action.

How I'm using Essential Oils to manage Cancer & Desmoid side effects (and hopefully even more!)

Whilst doing yoga this morning and during savasana, when I 'should' have been quieting my mind, instead I was inspired to write this post!  The reason being, I couldn't wait to get home to apply my essential oils to my desmoid tumor, which was experiencing some discomfort. For the record, I rubbed in some frankincense and copaiba (along with coconut oil) on arrival and voila, no discomfort. Then I got to thinking, these oils are giving me so much relief to a lot of cancer and desmoid related side effects, that this post simply must be written. So here I am!

I'm going to start with the support for breast cancer side effects and then move on to desmoid tumor. Something for everyone? Not really, but I know some of you will be very interested to hear this.

Don’t believe breast cancer is 1 in 8

It’s not in my circle of friends

I’m 45. In 2010, at the age of 39 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time I thought I was unlucky — given one in eight women suffer from it in their lifetime. The fact I was young surely meant my nearest and dearest would benefit from my bodies decision to take one for the team. That’s a positive in the shit storm right?

Love the one you're with (love the one you're with!)

Love the One you're with. An oldie but a goodie and the sort of lyrics that can easily get lodged in your brain.  Since coming up with the idea behind this post, it's been kind of hard to shake.  Why? It's a catchy tune for sure. It's more than that though; it feels like the work of synchronicity. Do you have that experience? When whatever is on your mind will suddenly present itself to you in full song version. Not sure about you, but I kind of love it. It's like I'm the DJ of my life.

Anyway, you might expect given the above, this post is about romantic love. It's not. Actually, I'm not good at multi tasking on the relationship front. In particular if I'm in love, I got to get over that stuff before I can feel love for someone else. But I can totally relate to the sentiment in other aspects of my life.

On vegetarianism and my decision to eat meat again

Eleven months ago, after researching desmoid tumors and what they have in common with breast cancer I decided to become a vegan.  Primarily due to the fact that both share estrogen receptivity and avoiding the hormones in produce seemed to make a lot of sense to me. Plus Kris Carr is one of my guru's and she is very passionate about her vegan lifestyle and it's cancer fighting properties. So it was very worth trying.