
I’m a happier human, since my run in with breast cancer #mikedrop

To be clear I’m not glad it happened. It was a full on nightmare that included 4 surgeries, 6 months of chemotherapy, a year of herceptin and 5 years of hormone therapy. And I went into early menopause aged 39. Not exactly fun.

Back to the topic at hand.

It started with WHY....

It started with WHY....

Once you hit your mid 30’s, or at least definitely into your 40’s/50’s, you will face a truth. For life to be fulfilling, it also needs to be meaningful.

Dammit, you mean coasting doesn’t cut it?!

I ask you this.

When you hear the words ‘you need to work on yourself’, how does that make you feel? Like you need to run for the hills? Push that sh*t down and keep moving forward?

Two secrets behind being a 'glass half full' person

Choosing the right picture for this post was a little difficult. I'm sure you will agree we don't often focus our camera's lens on those moments when things could have worked out better.  This snap was shot in San Diego on a very over cast beach. It was the last day of a long weekend and my travel companion was on a much earlier flight than I.  Which left me at our beachside locale without a lot to do. I could have easily sat around the hotel, perhaps had a few drinks and wasted away my day. Instead I decided to get out in the fresh air and practice yoga on the beach. To my delight the hotel even furnished me with a matt at my request. Result.

Nine healthy ways to celebrate

You know the feeling........you just reached your goal weight. Or saved enough for a deposit on your first home. Maybe you wrote your first book (I'm envious if you did that's on my goals list!). Or it's your birthday, it's Christmas, Hanukkah or any other special occasion. All of these in my book call for a celebration! Which society has trained us to believe equals champagne (or another drink of your choice). There is nothing wrong with this of course. I mean it's a celebration, of course you should drink booze.  

How to get your happy on

We all have those days, weeks and sometimes even months. Whether you’ve recently been through something traumatic, it’s a hormone issue or you are just in a funk. I’m talking about times in your life when bounding out of bed with a smile on your face feels as achievable as walking on the moon.  (Note - if you are possibly clinically depressed don’t read this, go to the Doctor).

Take care of you!

I am currently studying with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, learning to be a health coach (in today's news so is Pippa Middleton apparently!). The course load is roughly 5-7 hours per week for a year, with materials largely being video 'modules'.  These modules vary greatly, but my favorite ones are always the guest speakers, they are typically very inspiring as well as educational.

This week, the first two lectures were by Bernie Siegal MD. What an interesting character, I was mesmerized watching him. And his very aligned POV to my own made it very compelling. Funny that, I am always drawn to the lecturers who most 'speak my language'.