finding joe

So much joy in these little bottles

As you know from my last post, I've started using and sharing doTERRA essential oils. I'm sure you could sense my enthusiasm and excitement for these products. But I have to say, two weeks later I'm here to report I've hit a new high - a high called joy.

It's been a while since I felt this 'lit up' it kind of reminds me of falling in love. How cool is that?! I use the oils all day (diffusing, flavoring, rubbing into my feet, my face, my entire body to be honest). Which is actually what this picture is of.  Three of my favorite oils and some fractionated coconut oil (FCO).  Every day now, I emerge from the shower, mix up a few drops of these oils with FCO and literally smooth over my entire body.  It feels and smells like heaven. This week, a friend grabbed me by the arm and pulled back saying 'what is going on with your arms, they are so soft!'. Alerted to this fact, I can now tell you, oh my word, my skin has literally NEVER been softer.

Follow your bliss

How beautiful is this pic?  It was taken in Bali 3.5 years ago on one of my best friends wedding trips.  I love Bali. I love my friends. This trip was very special, blissful even.

I have the word bliss and specifically the concept of following your bliss on my mind. Which is a good thing, because I was completely side stepped from my path this week then was snapped right back onto it after recieving a message from the universe loud and clear last night.