
I didn't know what would happen

I didn't know what would happen

When I bought essential oils from doTERRA last November, I just thought, I hope they help. I hope they help with my sleep challenges, my stress levels & if they could please also help the achy desmoid tumor in my leg disappear (or even just stop hurting), well that would be ace.

To be fair, since having been diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago, I’ve been drawn like a magnet to natural & holistic health. I’m all for modern medicine, I’ve benefited greatly. But, the toxic load on our lives and bodies freaks me out. So, my inclination is to turn to low (or no) tox solutions, to integrate the best of modern and holistic support to strengthen my resilience.

When I bought a doTERRA kit of oils, I didn’t know what would happen.

Your essential oils intro AUDIO class, 35 minutes from me to you :)

Your essential oils intro AUDIO class, 35 minutes from me to you :)

Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? Me too! So, I thought it was a great idea to run an intro to essential oils class podcast style. Here in a short 35 minute audio file I introduce you to why I started using essential oils, what they are and give you a quick run through the top 10 essential oils we (at doTERRA) recommend for every household. 

Abundance is a mindset, it can be yours!

Growing up, I was taught that the world is a place of scarcity. That we wont have enough if we don't 'behave' a certain way. Be that money, love, fun or self fulfillment, the message is the same. There simply isn't enough to go around.

My parents, whilst not perfect had their hearts in the right place. They taught me caution. Invest in the safety of property. Make sure I have my superannuation sorted. Don't expect too much of myself. Recognise, that I need to exercise delayed gratification to set myself up for success. OK that last sentence is a stretch, but it speaks to me!

So much joy in these little bottles

As you know from my last post, I've started using and sharing doTERRA essential oils. I'm sure you could sense my enthusiasm and excitement for these products. But I have to say, two weeks later I'm here to report I've hit a new high - a high called joy.

It's been a while since I felt this 'lit up' it kind of reminds me of falling in love. How cool is that?! I use the oils all day (diffusing, flavoring, rubbing into my feet, my face, my entire body to be honest). Which is actually what this picture is of.  Three of my favorite oils and some fractionated coconut oil (FCO).  Every day now, I emerge from the shower, mix up a few drops of these oils with FCO and literally smooth over my entire body.  It feels and smells like heaven. This week, a friend grabbed me by the arm and pulled back saying 'what is going on with your arms, they are so soft!'. Alerted to this fact, I can now tell you, oh my word, my skin has literally NEVER been softer.

Essential Oil hacks #101

It's official, I've gone and got myself a little side hustle.  A passion project. An entrepreneurial endeavor- and it feels really good.

The back story. An impressive lady, Yvette (yes another me, one whom I met at a NSW Breast Cancer Foundation Ambassador training), recently got in touch. After her diagnosis and treatment, Yvette gave up her Corporate career in the music business, her home in Sydney and party fueled lifestyle and has totally reset her life. From her QLD base, she's since gone on to rise to the top of the Wellness entrepreneurial community with her business Soulpreneurs. In more recent news she expanded into the DoTerra Essential Oils business and she's absolutely loving it. 

As is typical with me, after discussing my latest health issues with Yvette, I couldn't wait to get these babies into my hands. I must say, they are every bit as awesome as I hoped and I am frankly obsessed. On the frank topic, especially with frankincense!  It didn't take me long at all to start researching this company and finding out how incredible it is, from their social responsibility to sourcing efficacy and of course therapeutic grade products, they are the real deal. I even like the Network Marketing aspect, particularly because th