future you

It's the last 90 days of this decade!

It's the last 90 days of this decade!

As I sit here typing, there are 90 days left, not just in this year, but of this decade. To think, one day we will look back and exclaim, back in the 10’s we xyz (how weird does that sound?!).

At this time of year, it’s pretty common to slip into “it’s nearly over” mode. I mean let’s just limp toward the finish line (that is the holidays) and start fresh next year. Sound familiar? In corporate, it can even be a bit of a mantra. You know guys, we just have to keep pushing, to get through. Urgh, really?!

Give future you some love

Give future you some love

There’s a tension between living in the moment AND looking after your future self.

I was the Queen of using “living in the moment” as an excuse for bad behaviour. The worst offender being heavy drinking. I mean, why worry about how I feel tomorrow? Let’s just enjoy today. Life is short and all that.

Here’s my excuse. Nine years ago, I went through breast cancer (the full monte kind). After starring into the face of my mortality, I decided what the heck. I mean - who know’s what the future will bring - so I’m a gonna have a good time.