
I didn't know what would happen

I didn't know what would happen

When I bought essential oils from doTERRA last November, I just thought, I hope they help. I hope they help with my sleep challenges, my stress levels & if they could please also help the achy desmoid tumor in my leg disappear (or even just stop hurting), well that would be ace.

To be fair, since having been diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago, I’ve been drawn like a magnet to natural & holistic health. I’m all for modern medicine, I’ve benefited greatly. But, the toxic load on our lives and bodies freaks me out. So, my inclination is to turn to low (or no) tox solutions, to integrate the best of modern and holistic support to strengthen my resilience.

When I bought a doTERRA kit of oils, I didn’t know what would happen.