
On vegetarianism and my decision to eat meat again

Eleven months ago, after researching desmoid tumors and what they have in common with breast cancer I decided to become a vegan.  Primarily due to the fact that both share estrogen receptivity and avoiding the hormones in produce seemed to make a lot of sense to me. Plus Kris Carr is one of my guru's and she is very passionate about her vegan lifestyle and it's cancer fighting properties. So it was very worth trying.

My five year cancerversary & five lessons

Late last week it dawned on me that I'd managed to forget a rather big medical milestone. That being that it was officially five years since my breast cancer diagnosis (in fact a little over by the time I realized).  Cancer and five year statistics often times go together. It's an official milestone for most that signifies a change in statistics for the better. All up, survival rates improve for those that make it past the five-year mark. So it is a cause for celebration.