
Why the Whole30 didn't meet my expectations

This week I finished my Whole30. In fact today is considered to be Day 34. Overall I am super pleased I took on the challenge and got to the end without any major slips. I would say ANY slips but on the last night I acccidentally ate a mouthful of cheese.  And whilst if that occurs at any point on the W30 you are supposed to start from day 1, that is not on my agenda 29.7 days into the job!

At the end of the 30 days I was a bag of mixed emotions. I found that while I had some wins (my blood pressure was the best I've seen it in years), I also had some losses. The biggest being my running stamina. It was off from the start and yet even when carefully following the pre and post work out directions, it never righted itself. Yes there is the theory that I just need some more time for my body to kick into fat burning mode. Maybe that's a reality. I'm just not convinced. My other issue on the energy front is that my bar is so high. I have never lacked energy. So asking for some 'tiger blood' to come forth was maybe setting myself up for failure?! Do I feel energetic in general after the Whole30? YES.  Do I feel more energetic after the Whole30?  I don't know!

Do you surround yourself with people who energize you?

This week I spent some time with one of my truly great friends. Not my 'longest' or my 'closest' friend but absolutely one of my greatest. Sometimes we see each other every week and at other times it's months apart. It doesn't matter, whenever we hang out the result is the same. I feel uplifted, loved, supported and better for having her in my life. I believe this is how you should feel after spending time with a great friend (outside of those difficult times for either of you).

On vegetarianism and my decision to eat meat again

Eleven months ago, after researching desmoid tumors and what they have in common with breast cancer I decided to become a vegan.  Primarily due to the fact that both share estrogen receptivity and avoiding the hormones in produce seemed to make a lot of sense to me. Plus Kris Carr is one of my guru's and she is very passionate about her vegan lifestyle and it's cancer fighting properties. So it was very worth trying.