
In pursuit of healthy cells!

In pursuit of healthy cells!

I sometimes wonder why my body and my cells decided to go rogue. I mean, at what point, did a few of my little cells decide to jump ship and be officially pronounced abnormal? Yes, this post is largely about breast cancer!

To be fair, it’s not the only time I’ve had problems with my cells running amok.

I have another abnormal cell situation with a rare tumor (called a desmoid) in my upper thigh/pelvis area. This one is on a wait and see program. In good news, it’s smaller now than when I first found it.

How I'm using Essential Oils to manage Cancer & Desmoid side effects (and hopefully even more!)

Whilst doing yoga this morning and during savasana, when I 'should' have been quieting my mind, instead I was inspired to write this post!  The reason being, I couldn't wait to get home to apply my essential oils to my desmoid tumor, which was experiencing some discomfort. For the record, I rubbed in some frankincense and copaiba (along with coconut oil) on arrival and voila, no discomfort. Then I got to thinking, these oils are giving me so much relief to a lot of cancer and desmoid related side effects, that this post simply must be written. So here I am!

I'm going to start with the support for breast cancer side effects and then move on to desmoid tumor. Something for everyone? Not really, but I know some of you will be very interested to hear this.

Do you invest more energy behind the good or bad in your life?

I chose this picture for today's post because the topic is an area I HOPE to improve in. I'm (fairly) normal so, I'm going to guess you may well be the same. 

Last week was a pretty tough one for me. First there was the utter shock of returning to my regular life after the bliss of a full weeks yoga retreat in beautiful Uruguay. Then there was the utterly exhausting work schedule that followed. Essentially, I was on a plane every day between Sunday and Friday except one. On Friday my plane landed into LGA at 11pm. Then my weekend was spent at yoga teacher training, which ran for 6.5 hours a day both Saturday and Sunday. Not surprisingly, I didn't fit much else in. I love YTT, but boy was I tired.

On vegetarianism and my decision to eat meat again

Eleven months ago, after researching desmoid tumors and what they have in common with breast cancer I decided to become a vegan.  Primarily due to the fact that both share estrogen receptivity and avoiding the hormones in produce seemed to make a lot of sense to me. Plus Kris Carr is one of my guru's and she is very passionate about her vegan lifestyle and it's cancer fighting properties. So it was very worth trying.

I'm doing a happy dance, want to know why?

This morning I headed off to see my Oncologist, dragging my feet but fully accepting of my fate. With summer over, it's time to start treatment on my desmoid tumor. Treatment being a year or so taking a drug called Nexavar, which is a chemotherapy drug. Whilst it is used for liver and lung cancers, there has been success using it at a low dose to kill off desmoids. 

I have resisted starting the drug for the past year since I was first diagnosed. I dramatically changed my diet and adopted many more holistic practices hoping to heal it naturally. But at my last scan in June the Doctor confirmed it had indeed grown and he would recommend me starting treatment. Back then I asked if I could take the summer off and commence in September. He agreed and we also decided I would have a level set scan  after Labor Day and then get on with treatment.

Change is truly the only constant

Letting go is hard. There is comfort in the known.  There is a sense of safety. But the truth is, it isn’t real, life is nothing but unpredictable. I’d go as far as to say getting too comfortable is risky.  Two reasons come to mind. Firstly, something major is going to come your way and you wont be ready for it without some practice.  Secondly you just have to color outside the lines sometimes to get the most out of your one precious life!  

One of the most important keys to happiness is learning not just to accept change, but to welcome it.  I first read the book ‘Who Moved my Cheese’ about 10 years ago. I was going through some shifts on the work front at the time. I didn’t realize I had far bigger changes (and challenges) coming my way. I’ve learned its message is just as valuable when facing major life upheaval.