health coaching

Want to leave your corporate job, but it terrifies you?

Want to leave your corporate job, but it terrifies you?

You’re not alone. Whether it’s a health scare, life crisis or just a growing feeling of unsettlement, more of us are asking the question ‘is this all there is?’.

For me, it was two major health challenges that made me woke (apparently this is what the young folk call waking up). The first, a burn out induced anxiety disorder, diagnosed in my late 20’s. The second, breast cancer, some 12 years later. In both instances, I longed for career change, but opted instead, for the relative safety of travel. Travel and awesome International roles, in the field I was longing to leave.

Do you think you might benefit from a health coach?

After the post I wrote last week, I know I could do with one myself.  Which got me thinking that given I am qualified in the area, it would be a good exercise to give you a demo using myself as the subject. 

Excuse me while I talk about myself in the 3rd person in this post! Below I'm going to give you some insight into the health coaching processs.  From my POV a health coach offers support and accountability in a safe space. Here's what could happen in the first couple of sessions. 

Love the one you're with (love the one you're with!)

Love the One you're with. An oldie but a goodie and the sort of lyrics that can easily get lodged in your brain.  Since coming up with the idea behind this post, it's been kind of hard to shake.  Why? It's a catchy tune for sure. It's more than that though; it feels like the work of synchronicity. Do you have that experience? When whatever is on your mind will suddenly present itself to you in full song version. Not sure about you, but I kind of love it. It's like I'm the DJ of my life.

Anyway, you might expect given the above, this post is about romantic love. It's not. Actually, I'm not good at multi tasking on the relationship front. In particular if I'm in love, I got to get over that stuff before I can feel love for someone else. But I can totally relate to the sentiment in other aspects of my life.

Two secrets behind being a 'glass half full' person

Choosing the right picture for this post was a little difficult. I'm sure you will agree we don't often focus our camera's lens on those moments when things could have worked out better.  This snap was shot in San Diego on a very over cast beach. It was the last day of a long weekend and my travel companion was on a much earlier flight than I.  Which left me at our beachside locale without a lot to do. I could have easily sat around the hotel, perhaps had a few drinks and wasted away my day. Instead I decided to get out in the fresh air and practice yoga on the beach. To my delight the hotel even furnished me with a matt at my request. Result.

Hope is not big enough, without attaching it to dreams

I am at a cross roads. This week, I officially completed all of my health coaching studies and graduation requirements. Whilst I still have to wait for my Certificate, the fact is I am now a qualified, certified Health Coach. In some regards this is cause for celebration, in others, it's signified a big change. And change is scary. At least it is if you don't have an eye on what you want to achieve big picture. When you do, change often times becomes more exciting and liberating than fear ridden.