I will be happy WHEN....


A friendly reminder, to not to let your WHEN, diminish your current joy.

The when is not the point. Often times, the when doesn’t even materialise.

Those that know me well would likely say I’m goal driven, determined and ambitious.

As an entrepreneur, I’ve found this has accelerated. There’s a sense of purpose, drive and dedication that I’ve never experienced before. Go, go, go!

And yet.

It’s also taught me, that being so future focussed, isn’t all that healthy. It leads me to a feeling of force. Of push.

What a metaphor for life.

Our WHEN can be inspiring in a good way, but it can also be destructive

Do you relate? Do you sometimes feel like you’re so busy focusing on the when, you forget to enjoy the here and now?

Maybe it’s been WHEN Covid is over. Or the kids go back to school. Or you fill your program. Or hit six or seven figures in your biz. Get that big promotion. Or buy a bigger house.

I’m all for working towards your WHEN, especially when it’s a big juicy goal. For being super inspired by it. As I said, I love goals.

But I also believe it’s important to hold your WHEN lightly.

To be present to your experience in the moment.

Find joy in the process.

Love where you’re at.

Do your absolute best.

Let your inner wisdom shine.

And trust that by doing all of the above, everything will work out for your highest good.

This is where your power lies, and it lives right next door to your joy.

Shared with love and a dose of soul.