Manifesting Generators

Marketing Insights for Manifesting Generators for More Magnetism

As a Manifesting Generator, you possess a natural knack for attracting the right opportunities and ideas, just like a magnet. In this post, I’m going to unveil the secrets to harnessing this inherent magnetism for turbocharging your marketing strategies and crafting compelling content that attracts your dream audience and converts them into clients 🤩.

Your superpower lies in your uncanny ability to spot ideas and elevate them to greatness. Embrace this unique gift for breathing life into concepts comes from your vital life force (your sacral). Remember, your role isn't to initiate things from scratch; instead, it's all about responding to the world around you.

Manifesting Generator Marketing strategies for success

Here’s the thing my MG friend, while you DO have the same energetic traits as your Pure Generator friends…you are different & that WILL impact how you market your business.

This article is a MUST READ if you’re a business owner & want to create a differentiated, magnetic and authentic personal brand.

Let’s start with what is true for all Sacral beings and then move into what’s unique to MG’s.

Your biggest advantage is that you have a natural magnetism being generated from your sacral. It is a magnet set to the power of attraction when you are aligned.