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Gate 24 Human Design: Gate of Rationalization, Marketing Insights for Business

Gate 24, “Recalibration” is the capacity to pause and recalibrate for greater growth. This is the brand archetype who uses lessons as stimulus to ‘invent’ a bigger and brighter vision. This means stretching your vision of what's possible and seeing every experience as a necessary step towards growth.

Gate 27 Human Design: Gate of Caring, Marketing Insights

Gate 27 “Heart-Centered” is the archetype who deeply cares, nurtures the self + community, has strong values and is quick to take responsibility. If you have gate 27 in your chart, you possess qualities like compassion, empathy, charity, service-mindset and selflessness. You are driven by altruism which ensures sustenance and survival of society.

3 Content Hacks for Reflectors in Human Design, Marketing By Design

Being a Reflector in Human Design, your ability to absorb and reflect energies around you is your superpower. You can harness it to create captivating content that resonates deeply with your audience. In fact, this is something that naturally comes to you when you’re most aligned to your design.

For reflectors, it’s unlike the “mindless trend follow”. Rather, your super-perceptive nature allows you to deeply understand;

How Human Design Profile Lines make you More Influence = More Sales

TRUTH TELLING: As a driven business owner and aspiring influencer, you're on a journey to make a significant impact.

The secret to achieving this lies in your influence.

Influence isn't just a vague concept; it's a tangible force that drives connections and ignites desire. The best part? Your DNA is already coded with the potential for influence. And guess what? Amplifying your influence is easier than you think.

The return (to digital marketing)

In 2007, I approached my CEO with a question.

Could I possibly relinquish my role as head of client relationships (for the Sydney) agency & move across to the open role of head of digital?

His head nearly spun off! I was literally requesting to reduce my power base. Moving from running a team of 50 or so -> to a team of 6.