Human Design Profile

Marketing as a 6/3 Profile in Human Design

The 6/3 profile is doozy when it comes to marketing, because so much of your expression is about lived experience. Even as a 6 line, you live “as if” you are a line 3 until the age of 30 - this involves a lot of trial and error, bumping into things, failed adventures and even a little baptism by fire.

While this may lead you to think “life is soooo hard” with the wisdom that grows over the course of your life you will soon discover that your learning through doing approach is the very thing that attracts client to you as a business owner..

Marketing as a 1/3 Profile in Human Design

If you want to activate your most magnetic personal brand, and you happen to be a 1/3 in human design, this blog post is for you!

As a 1/3, you possess a unique blend of characteristics that contribute to your personal brand and marketing potential. Let's explore how your line 1 and line 3 energies intertwine, allowing you to shine as in all your glory and authenticity.

Marketing as a 2/4 Human Design Profile

If you happen to be a 2/4 in human design, get ready to discover how this profile can revolutionise your approach to influence and impact.

The 2/4 profile, known as the Hermit/Opportunist holds immense potential for marketing success. While you may not realise it, you possess natural talents that are highly desired by those around you. These talents feel inherent and effortless to you...however, others perceive them as something magical that they want to experience as well.

Marketing as a 5/1 Human Design profile

As a personal brand or business owner, Human Design provides powerful intelligence to grow your impact and influence.

Profile lines in particular are incredibly valuable in informing the correct expression for you to activate influence and effectiveness in your marketing. They are the “costume of your purpose” after all, and therefore how you express yourself.

I’m a 5/1 one myself, so naturally this is my favourite profile to talk about 🤩. So if you want to know how to market as a 5/1, then you’re definitely in the right place!

All Human Design Profiles Tips for increased Marketing Magnetism

When it comes to marketing through the lens of human design, your profile lines are gold. And this is true, whether you consider each line individually or go deeper into the 12 profile types (each combines your personality and design line).

The result of activating profile wisdom into your marketing, is increased magnetism, as the potency of your energy will become more irresistible to the right people.

Content Creation based on your Human Design Profile

If you’ve been wondering exactly how to use your Human Design profile to amplify your marketing, let’s start here.

Your Human Design profile (lines) are the best proximation in your chart to project in your personal brand. Because these lines are all about your personality and what you’re here to do in life.