marketing by design

Manifestor Marketing Superpowers - Human Design

Listen up, you trailblazing MANIFESTOR. You're the one who brings revolutionary and pioneering vibes to the table. Your destiny is clear: you're here to initiate and lead the way towards your bigger vision! And boy, are you good at it!

You're a master at bringing aligned people together who see your vision and have the energy to make it happen. It's like you've got a secret power that makes everyone want to jump on board with your ideas. You're just that good!

Marketing as a 5/1 Human Design profile

As a personal brand or business owner, Human Design provides powerful intelligence to grow your impact and influence.

Profile lines in particular are incredibly valuable in informing the correct expression for you to activate influence and effectiveness in your marketing. They are the “costume of your purpose” after all, and therefore how you express yourself.

I’m a 5/1 one myself, so naturally this is my favourite profile to talk about 🤩. So if you want to know how to market as a 5/1, then you’re definitely in the right place!

How to Create Viral Content That Resonates With Your Ideal Clients

If you're using social media for business, you know the thrill of seeing a post go viral. The likes, comments, and shares can be a huge ego boost, but more importantly, they can lead to deeper engagement and consideration for your offers. But not all viral posts are created equal. It's not just about the numbers, but about the relevance of the content to your ideal clients.

Recently, I had two posts that went viral: one on Facebook that had over 150 likes and 37 comments, and another on Instagram and LinkedIn that got 6,000 views and 200 new followers. But the post that was more strategically valuable to my business was the first one, because it was a personal share that tied into my brand story and led to more demand for my services. The second post, while more popular in terms of numbers, wasn't as strategic and didn't attract the right audience.

How I accidentally became a "Human Design for Marketing" Coach

When I first began my “experiment“ it was well and truly early along on the adoption curve (it’s still early, just less so in the coaching world to be fair!). I’m talking about late 2018.

I was fortunate enough to meet the incredible Emma Dunwoody when I was growing my doTERRA network marketing business. She showed up at the invitation of my sister in law. We connected quickly and next thing you know were meeting up for coffee to chat about the business side of doTERRA.

Em was already deep into Human Design by then and the beginning stages of introducing it to clients. She spoke about with huge passion and conviction…so of course I booked a chart “unpack” in.

All Human Design Profiles Tips for increased Marketing Magnetism

When it comes to marketing through the lens of human design, your profile lines are gold. And this is true, whether you consider each line individually or go deeper into the 12 profile types (each combines your personality and design line).

The result of activating profile wisdom into your marketing, is increased magnetism, as the potency of your energy will become more irresistible to the right people.

My re-Intro: A Human Design shaped line in the sand!

Allow me to reintroduce myself & the direction of this blog towards Human Design.

Hiiiii, I'm Yvette - an Intuitive Business Coach, with a passion for helping you create success on your terms.

I support women to unleash their unique brilliance, by activating their gifts and aligning into the right strategies for them to explode their impact.