handstand junkie

Soul Food week four & delayed gratification

Firstly a quick update on week three. I was 'pretty good' with my intentions but not perfect. On the cutting back on coffee front I broke once to treat myself (see previous post). The social media rules I set myself I stuck to. I learned that coffee has become more important to me of late and it was much harder to cut back than I expected it to be. As I move into week two of this change I expect it will get easier . Social media wise I feel free of some old behavior that I was stuck in. So that is a real win!

Costa Rica and falling in love....with yoga

Costa Rica and falling in love....with yoga

I’ve been trying to remember how long I’ve been practicing yoga and it’s not 100% clear. What I do know for sure is this. When I was around 27, I experienced debilitating anxiety.  In my quest to help myself through this period I took up ashtanga yoga. For many months, I attended class at least twice a week. I enjoyed it, but didn’t love the repetitive nature.