
Manifesting magic

How on earth have four weeks passed since my last post?  Summer in this city called NYC is definitely the busiest time of the year for me. Although calling it summer in the city is a huge stretch, because I've hardly been here.  In fact since my last post I have attended 3 weddings, two outside of NYC, travelled to a conferene at Disneyland, spent a week on the West Coast (Lake Tahoe/Wanderlust Squaw Valley/wedding in Salem Oregon, wineries, food & hiking in Portland), Montauk, Nashville, St Louis.  There is actually more but you get the gist!

Of all these adventures, it was unsurprisingly Wanderlust that triggered the subject of this post. Although the pic above was taken on my hike in Portland yesterday.

I have a confession....

I saw these words on Instagram this week and they thoroughly resonated with me. 

Given the goal of this blog is generally inspiration for good health &happiness, this is a harder post for me to write. The truth is, I don’t feel like I’ve been an inspiration to anybody of late. Not even a little bit. In fact last weekend before I even saw this quote (and of course re-gramed it!) I told a good friend that I currently feel a little broken. Unhealthy too.

Love the one you're with (love the one you're with!)

Love the One you're with. An oldie but a goodie and the sort of lyrics that can easily get lodged in your brain.  Since coming up with the idea behind this post, it's been kind of hard to shake.  Why? It's a catchy tune for sure. It's more than that though; it feels like the work of synchronicity. Do you have that experience? When whatever is on your mind will suddenly present itself to you in full song version. Not sure about you, but I kind of love it. It's like I'm the DJ of my life.

Anyway, you might expect given the above, this post is about romantic love. It's not. Actually, I'm not good at multi tasking on the relationship front. In particular if I'm in love, I got to get over that stuff before I can feel love for someone else. But I can totally relate to the sentiment in other aspects of my life.

Two secrets behind being a 'glass half full' person

Choosing the right picture for this post was a little difficult. I'm sure you will agree we don't often focus our camera's lens on those moments when things could have worked out better.  This snap was shot in San Diego on a very over cast beach. It was the last day of a long weekend and my travel companion was on a much earlier flight than I.  Which left me at our beachside locale without a lot to do. I could have easily sat around the hotel, perhaps had a few drinks and wasted away my day. Instead I decided to get out in the fresh air and practice yoga on the beach. To my delight the hotel even furnished me with a matt at my request. Result.

Soul Food week four & delayed gratification

Firstly a quick update on week three. I was 'pretty good' with my intentions but not perfect. On the cutting back on coffee front I broke once to treat myself (see previous post). The social media rules I set myself I stuck to. I learned that coffee has become more important to me of late and it was much harder to cut back than I expected it to be. As I move into week two of this change I expect it will get easier . Social media wise I feel free of some old behavior that I was stuck in. So that is a real win!

Soul Food week two challenge

Firstly quick update on week one.  Did you manage to go to turn your electronics of 30 minutes before bed time? I did....just not every night.  While I believe in this concept to promote good sleep, seems for me at least the cancer fighting medication I take has other ideas. Sure I was able to fall to sleep quickly, but my wide awake night sweat 10 minutes later meant overall no improvement. I believe in a mere 6 months time when I am finally off said drugs my sleep will go back to normal.

How to see obstacles as opportunities

There are a lot of parallels when I think about training for a marathon (or any distance) and the journey of life. You start out with a dream or vision of what you want to achieve (be that just finishing, enjoying the event or a specific time). You set a course of action to get you there that is not just physical but emotional, strategic and that requires continual course correction along the way. And then you move forward, sideways, sometimes backwards, gaining experience and growing along the way.

Look inside yourself for buried treasure

I believe being your happiest self is one of the most important jobs you have in life. I call it a job for a reason. It doesn't come automatically, it requires work. I'm all about finding those behaviours, character traits, beliefs and thoughts that position me for happiness. Sure I get off track at times (guilty of being human) but the key is getting myself back on again. My mantra of embracing the good stuff helps me stay the course. I think adopting something of a mantra yourself is a good way to stay focussed.