Putting the garden in gardening leave

According to Wikipedia Garden leave or gardening leave:- describes the practice where an employee leaving a job – having resigned or otherwise had their employment terminated – is instructed to stay away from work during the notice period, while still remaining on the payroll.

Gardening leave is a term that originated in the UK and was adopted in Australia & NZ too. When I resigned back in October, 2016 I didn't think it would happen to me. After all I'm leaving a US focussed role to run a Sydney agency. Yes on a Global scale we compete, but from my view point, my specter of influence doesn't overlap.

Joining the dots

“You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” Steve Jobs

I really love this quote from Steve Jobs. He surely wasn't a prophet on all fronts but this speaks to me. Particularly right now, as I try to make sense of how I've arrived at where I am today and also where I'm heading.

Super Moon ritual

Today November 14th, 2016 marks the largest Super Moon in 69 years. This moon also happens to be in Taurus which is my star sign so it seems auspicious to me.  While I'm not super in tune with all things spirituality related, I'm interested.  Interested enough to consider how it would be best to use this Super Moons power. I've got a lot going on right now and could use a reset.

So, as is the normal approach to such matters, I Googled my way into some understanding of what I'm now going to do this evening. I'm sharing here in case you too live in the Northern hemisphere and want to take the opportunity to celebrate (or ritualize) the occasion too. If not, never fear, there's a full moon every single month and each time you have the opportunity I'm taking today.  To be fair, a reset is valuable any time.

Don’t believe breast cancer is 1 in 8

It’s not in my circle of friends

I’m 45. In 2010, at the age of 39 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At the time I thought I was unlucky — given one in eight women suffer from it in their lifetime. The fact I was young surely meant my nearest and dearest would benefit from my bodies decision to take one for the team. That’s a positive in the shit storm right?

Do you need to slow down?

And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling "this is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!"

And each day, it's up to you to yak your hand back, put it on your heart and say, "No. This is what's important."

- Iain Thomas

There are many motivational and inspirational sentiments (words) that encourage us to live every day 'like it was your last'. To squeeze every bit out. That life is short so play hard. Or even (as preeched by yours truly) to embrace the good stuff. All of which have influenced me at some point & I largely agree with them. 

Hillary needs a health coach

I just attempted to buy a picture of Hilary Clinton in NY on the weekend & Getty images wanted to charge me $266. So you get this instead. A serene, peaceful, reflective lake in the Catskills, somewhere anyone would do well to recuperate. Taken and fully owned by me!

Living in the US as I do, whilst I'm unable to vote does expose me to all the politics that goes with this great country. Right now we are in the middle of the most comedic election of all time. With Donald Trump jumping into his clown suit on a daily basis expounding all manner of ridiculousness (in my humble opinion). But I am not here to push any political party or agenda. Even though #dumptrump #hillaryforthewin #i'mwithher.

Just like in recovery 'it works if you work it'

In my last post I talked about manifestation and committed to a 2+ minute daily practice. Each day I would visualize and deeply feel my future excellent life unfold.  Today I'm back to report on my progress.  It's a mixed bag.

Week one was a big success.  Both because I genuinely felt more optimistic and also I noticed actual changes. I think I was experiencing endorphins as a result of my heart swelling visualizations!  Amazing right?! Which meant my personal vibe actually increased. At least I think that is how I best explain what happened. What happened was more of the type of opportunities needed to live into my dreams appearing before my eyes. People, invitations, informations. That sort of thing.

Manifesting magic

How on earth have four weeks passed since my last post?  Summer in this city called NYC is definitely the busiest time of the year for me. Although calling it summer in the city is a huge stretch, because I've hardly been here.  In fact since my last post I have attended 3 weddings, two outside of NYC, travelled to a conferene at Disneyland, spent a week on the West Coast (Lake Tahoe/Wanderlust Squaw Valley/wedding in Salem Oregon, wineries, food & hiking in Portland), Montauk, Nashville, St Louis.  There is actually more but you get the gist!

Of all these adventures, it was unsurprisingly Wanderlust that triggered the subject of this post. Although the pic above was taken on my hike in Portland yesterday.