How yoga and meditation can lead to forgiveness

Two fairly major happenings in my life, all roads leading in the same direction. Firstly I have started yoga teacher training. Secondly, I’ve just spent a week in Uruguay/Jose Ignacio on yoga retreat. 

Suffice to say I have spent a great deal of time creating some space in my mind through detaching. I'm finding the more I invest myself into yoga, the easier it is becoming to gain clarity. In particular, this past week, we spent 5 hours per day in the yoga room.  The first 30-35 minutes each day were spent in meditation. Then we generally did a vinyasa class that would last up to 2.5 hours - including 30 minutes in savasana. After some beach time, we would reconvene for another 2 hours of restorative or yin yoga. Again including 30 minutes of savasana.

Two secrets behind being a 'glass half full' person

Choosing the right picture for this post was a little difficult. I'm sure you will agree we don't often focus our camera's lens on those moments when things could have worked out better.  This snap was shot in San Diego on a very over cast beach. It was the last day of a long weekend and my travel companion was on a much earlier flight than I.  Which left me at our beachside locale without a lot to do. I could have easily sat around the hotel, perhaps had a few drinks and wasted away my day. Instead I decided to get out in the fresh air and practice yoga on the beach. To my delight the hotel even furnished me with a matt at my request. Result.

Remember how I suggested picking your best 10 pictures from 2015?

Well the truth is, I tried and it was impossible. Thoroughly impossible. Instead, I ended up using Pic stich on my iPhone to participate in the #NestNine2015. Only I didn't pick my best nine....rather I picked 18 awesome moments and 18 stunning scenes.

Did you try and attempt this challenge too? Did you fail like I did?  OK, fail is the wrong word, for me this project was a huge win as it reminded me just how fabulous my life is.  For that I am grateful.

How to use momentum to trump fear (and doubt)

Given it's a new year there's a high chance you have made some sort of commitment to yourself recently.  Maybe it's toward a goal that will require big change. Deciding on the goal, is often times the easy part, maybe it's even a natural progression. But starting.....well that's a different story. As the saying goes 'easier said than done'.  You do your research and set yourself up to succeed. It all feels natural, it feels good. Then something changes. As the date draws nearer to the official start (change) date, you panic. Then your panic manifests into doubt, very likely driven by fear.

Why you need to give your new years resolutions the flip

One week has passed since 2016 commenced and you likely set your new years resolutions. LIke you, I also spent some time considering this years pledges to myself. But then I realized something. Every year, my resolutions are actually the same. And while they might appear in a long list, there is only one resolution. I suspect you fall in to the same trap. You make the same agreements with yourself. Let's boil it down.

Reflection - 5 lists for 2015

While it’s common practice to starting thinking about goals for the coming year as we approach it, it’s also a great time to reflect on the year that’s passed.

We are all so busy with the day to day of life, it’s easy to lose sight of our accomplishments and experiences. And in doing so, it’s easy to miss the big picture. While this flies in the face of my life mantra of living in the present moment, it also doesn’t. Because the kind of reflecting I’m talking about, purposely evokes feeling good in the here and now. And we all deserve a piece of that.

Always do your best (the forth agreement)

Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best. The Four Agreements.

I have been taking my time reading this book here and there, figuring I would no doubt read what I needed to when I did. Which brings me to today, when I got to the forth and final agreement. Always do your best.

Hope is not big enough, without attaching it to dreams

I am at a cross roads. This week, I officially completed all of my health coaching studies and graduation requirements. Whilst I still have to wait for my Certificate, the fact is I am now a qualified, certified Health Coach. In some regards this is cause for celebration, in others, it's signified a big change. And change is scary. At least it is if you don't have an eye on what you want to achieve big picture. When you do, change often times becomes more exciting and liberating than fear ridden.